The Sower of Word Challenge


1. Contest shall be organized by the following entity: Maciej Strużyna (Crazy Goat Games) TIN no.:9542474288, hereinafter referred to as „the Organizer”.

2. By taking part in the Contest, the Participant shall confirm that he or she has familiarized himself or herself with those Terms and Conditions, has understood their provisions, as well as accepts all the rules and requirements pertaining to the Contest provided within the scope of those Terms and Conditions. 


3. Contest shall start on 02.04.2024 at 9 AM CET. Contest Entries shall be submitted till 2.05.2024, 9 AM CET. Entries submitted after the specified date shall not be eligible to take part in the Contest. The winner of the Contest shall be announced within 7 working days from the moment of the conclusion of the Contest Entry submission period.  

4. Contest shall be oriented towards promoting the “Worshippers of Cthulhu” game by means of publishing posts and engaging in promotion-related undertakings via Participants’ own social media and other channels.  

5. Contest Entries shall meet the following requirements:  

a. published posts shall publicly promote the “Worshippers of Cthulhu” game.

b. screenshots, links to social media posts, and movie clips shall be sent in a private message to the following user: agatastruzyna (Agata) on the Worshippers of Cthulhu server.


6. In order for a given entry to be included in the Contest and be subject to assessment, it shall be submitted within the period specified in point 3, in compliance with the provisions specified in point 5, as well as: 

a. cannot violate the etiquette typical for online communities;  

b. cannot violate third party rights, including copyrights; this point shall not apply to the materials provided by the Ordering Party (they can be taken advantage of); 

c. cannot contain references to alcoholic beverages, drugs, intimate body parts, swearwords and other improper words or phrases.  

7. When a given entry qualifies for the Contest, it shall become a Contest Entry, whereas the user submitting it shall become the Contest Participant (hereinafter referred to as “the Participant”). The Participant shall claim that:  

a. he or she is the author of the Contest Entry and shall have all the required personal and material copyrights to it;  

b. Contest Entry is compliant with the provisions of those Terms and Conditions, does not violate third party copyrights, as well as is free of any and all third party claims; 

c. he or she has familiarized himself or herself with the content of those Terms and Conditions and agrees to comply with them in full;  

8. In the event of copyright or material copyright infringement, the Contest Participant shall be solely responsible, both criminally and materially. He or she shall also agree to satisfy the demands of the injured party.

9. Contest Participants shall not incur any additional costs related to participation in the Contest and receiving the Prize.

10. Organizer shall reserve the right to exclude the following from the participation in the Contest:  

a. individuals carrying out activities that may be reasonably suspected to attempt to circumvent the provisions of those Terms and Conditions or who otherwise attempt to violate security measures or the rules of the Contest;

b. individuals carrying out activities violating the legitimate interests of the Organizer or the Ordering Party, damaging their image, or violating the principles of social coexistence.


11. Contest Prizes shall have the following form:

a. 1st place: Steam card worth 100$

b. 2nd place: Steam card worth 90$

c. 3rd place: Steam card worth 70$

d. 4th place: Steam card worth 50$

12. Prizes cannot be replaced with their cash-specific equivalent or with a prize of any other kind.  

13. Contest Participant shall not have the possibility of transferring rights to the Prize won to third parties.


14. Contest Winners shall be selected by the jury appointed by the Organizer from all the entries submitted meeting the requirements of the Contest. Contest results shall be published on the Discord platform.  

15. Contest Winners shall be notified about winning the Prizes by the Organizer within 7 working days from the moment of the Contest conclusion via the Discord platform.

16. Winners shall reply to the message sent by the Organizer within 72 hours. In the event of the lack of reply, the Organizer shall have the right to select another winner.  

17. In the case of identifying the violation of those Terms and Conditions, the jury appointed by the Organizer shall select a new winner within 2 days from the moment of violation identification.  

18. Prize shall be handed over in a digital form, via a private message sent on the Discord platform to the account from which the Contest Entry was initially sent.  


19. Organizer shall reserve the right not to be liable for any and all events that prevent the Contest from being held if they could not have been foreseen or prevented objectively, in particular – force majeure-specific events.

20. Verdict of the Contest jury shall be final and there shall be no appeal against it.

21. Organizer shall reserve the right to introduce any and all changes or amendments to those Terms and Conditions without prior informing the participants about said fact. The most up-to-date version of those Terms and Conditions shall be available on the website of the Contest.  

22. Decisions made by the Organizer shall be final in nature and shall not be subject to appeals. 

Whispers in R’lyeh- Tales of the Great Old One

Worshippers of Powerful Cthulhu – Comic


1. Contest shall be organized by the following entity: Maciej Strużyna (Crazy Goat Games) TIN no.: 9542474288, hereinafter referred to as „the Organizer”.

2. By taking part in the Contest, the Participant shall confirm that he or she has familiarized himself or herself with those Terms and Conditions, has understood their provisions, as well as accepts all the rules and requirements pertaining to the Contest provided within the scope of those Terms and Conditions. 


3. Contest shall start on 02.04.2024 at 9 AM CET. Contest Entries shall be submitted till 2.05.2024, 9 AM CET. Entries submitted after the specified date shall not be eligible to take part in the Contest. The winner of the Contest shall be announced within 7 working days from the moment of the conclusion of the Contest Entry submission period.  

4. Aim of the contest shall be to make a creative work compliant with the provisions of those Terms and Conditions published by the Organizer.  

5. Contest Entries can be submitted in one of two categories:  

a. first category: narrative piece set in H.P. Lovecraft’s world;

b. second category: comic set in H.P. Lovecraft’s world.

6. Submitted narrative pieces set in H.P. Lovecraft’s world shall meet the following criteria:  

a. work has to have a written form and be connected with H.P. Lovecraft’s world thematically.

b. plot shall start with Cthulhu worshippers reaching an island and finding a hole leading to R’lyeh;

c. entry shall have between 2000 and 20000 characters. Longer pieces shall not be assessed;

d. narrative piece shall be written in English;  

d. entry shall be sent in a private message to the following user: agatastruzyna (Agata) on the Worshippers of Cthulhu server.

7. Submitted graphic works shall meet the following criteria:  

a. entries shall have the form of a comic, be connected with H.P. Lovecraft’s world (especially with the Cthulhu cult), and include at least three frames with text in English;

b. comic can be created by opting for any illustration-specific method (digital, crayons, pencil, collage, etc.);  

c. file containing the entry shall have the form of .jpg, .png, or .pdf file and the size of up to 25 MB. It shall be sent in a private message to the following user: agatastruzyna (Agata) on the Worshippers of Cthulhu server.

8. In the event of the failure to meet technical requirements set forth in points 6 and 7, a given entry shall not be accepted for submission.  

9. Participant shall keep the right to publish his or her Contest Entry in social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., as well as on various blogs.  


10. Entry submitted in a private message and sent to agatastruzyna (Agata) on Worshippers of Cthulhu shall include:

a. data on the author: name and surname or nickname the author would like to sign the work with; 

b. attached Contest Entry (in the text or graphic form) compliant with the provisions of those Terms and Conditions;  


11. In order for a given entry to be included in the Contest and be subject to assessment, it shall be submitted within the period specified in point 3, in compliance with the provisions specified in points 6,7, and 10, as well as: 

a. cannot violate the etiquette typical for online communities;  

b. cannot violate third party rights, including copyrights; this point shall not apply to the materials provided by the Ordering Party; 

c. cannot contain references to alcoholic beverages, drugs, intimate body parts, swearwords and other improper words or phrases.  

12. When a given entry qualifies for the Contest, it shall become a Contest Entry, whereas the user submitting it shall become the Contest Participant (hereinafter referred to as “the Participant”). The Participant shall claim that:  

a. he or she is the author of the Contest Entry and shall have all the required personal and material copyrights to it;  

b. Contest Entry is compliant with the provisions of those Terms and Conditions, does not violate third party copyrights, as well as is free of any and all third party claims; 

c. he or she has familiarized himself or herself with the content of those Terms and Conditions and agrees to comply with them in full;  

d. he or she grants a free, non-exclusive license to the Organizer without time-specific or territorial restrictions, as well as authorizes the use of the Contest Entry in part or in whole, in all fields of utilization.

13. While submitting the entry, the Participant shall also agree for the Contest Entry to be utilized in part or in whole by the Organizer.  

14. In the event of copyright or material copyright infringement, the Contest Participant shall be solely responsible, both criminally and materially. He or she shall also agree to satisfy the demands of the injured party.

15. Contest Participants shall not incur any additional costs related to participation in the Contest and receiving the Prize.

16. Organizer shall reserve the right to exclude the following from the participation in the Contest:  

a. individuals carrying out activities that may be reasonably suspected to attempt to circumvent the provisions of those Terms and Conditions or who otherwise attempt to violate security measures or the rules of the Contest;

b. individuals carrying out activities violating the legitimate interests of the Organizer or the Ordering Party, damaging their image, or violating the principles of social coexistence.


17. Upon submitting the entry, the Participant shall grant the Organizer and the Ordering Party a non-exclusive license that shall not be limited to time and territory to use the Contest Entry, covering – to the fullest extent permitted by law – all known fields of exploitation, including:

a. recording by opting for any technique (in any system, format, and medium), including printing, recording on photographic film, magnetic tape, or digitally;

b. reproducing by opting for any technique (in any system, format, and medium), including printing, recording on photographic film, magnetic tape, or digitally;

c. placing on the market;

d. entering into computer memory, computer or multimedia networks, and databases;

e. making the Entry publicly available in such a way that everyone can have access to the Competition Entry at any place and time (including on the Internet, e.g. on any website, including social media platforms – paid or unpaid, available in various formats: downloading, streaming, IPTV, ADSL, DSL or in any other format), as well as within any telecommunications services based on the utilization of any systems and devices (including landline or mobile phones, desktop or portable computers, and all available technologies based on data transmission networks);

l. using for marketing, promotion-specific, and advertising purposes.


18. Contest Prizes shall be as follows:

a. prize for the 1st place in each category: Steam card worth 200$

b. prize for the 2nd  place in each category: Steam card worth 150$

c. prize for the 3rd place in each category: Steam card worth 100$

d. prize for the 4th place in each category: Steam card worth 50$

e. prize for the 5th and 6th place in each category: Steam card worth 30$ 

19. Prizes cannot be replaced with their cash-specific equivalent or with a prize of any other kind.  

20. Contest Participant shall not have the possibility of transferring rights to the Prize won to third parties.


21. Contest Winners shall be selected by the jury appointed by the Organizer from all the entries submitted meeting the requirements of the Contest. Contest results shall be published on the Discord platform.  

22. Contest Winners shall be notified about winning the Prizes by the Organizer within 7 working days from the moment of the Contest conclusion via the Discord platform.

23. Winners shall reply to the message sent by the Organizer within 72 hours. In the event of the lack of reply, the Organizer shall have the right to select another winner.  

24. In the case of identifying the violation of those Terms and Conditions, the jury appointed by the Organizer shall select a new winner within 2 days from the moment of violation identification.  

25. Prize shall be handed over in a digital form, via a private message sent on the Discord platform to the account from which the Contest Entry was initially sent.  


26. Organizer shall reserve the right not to be liable for any and all events that prevent the Contest from being held if they could not have been foreseen or prevented objectively, in particular – force majeure-specific events.

27. Verdict of the Contest jury shall be final and there shall be no appeal against.

28. Organizer shall reserve the right to introduce any and all changes or amendments to those Terms and Conditions without prior informing the participants about said fact. The most up-to-date version of those Terms and Conditions shall be available on the website of the Contest.

29. Decisions made by the Organizer shall be final in nature and shall not be subject to appeals.